Tuesday 3 June 2014

Collecting Useful Plants

In between the showers, Brother Barnabas and I went to the herb garden, where the herbs were looking fresh and tasty.

First of all we picked some marjoram to put in a salad

'Now we need something orange to go with it!' said Brother Barnabas. (He gets very excited about salads in May and June, because they taste especially good.)

'What about these pot marigolds?'

Brother Barnabas agreed that the petals would taste and look very nice in a salad with the bright green leaves of marjoram.

'And this woad will dye my habit a nice deep blue' said Brother Barnabas

There was only one more thing to gather for the table and that was some pretty flowers to put in a jug in the middle.
'These Pinks will be perfect!' said Brother Barnabas

They are his favourite flowers as they smell deliciously sweet and put everyone, even the grumpy Abbot in a good mood!

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